Because I believe in good garden record keeping, I decided to make some seed sowing timeline tables to help my kids learn the timing of starting seeds both indoor and direct sown outside. And because I love designing lovely things, I turned them into these beautiful and practical seed starting charts.
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Because Chris is an engineer, he values great record keeping, especially to show trends year after year about when we planted certain seedlings, transplanted successfully or not, etc.. I like knowing how a certain pack of seeds did in one year to know if I want to reinvest into new seed.
Plus, every spring, even though I have experience gardening and seed starting, I always am looking for when I should be starting each seed before to last frost so I can get organized.
And because I made them for us, I also wanted to share them with you.

What’s included in the seed starting download
It is six pages total and in printable, PDF form. Either laminate them to use over and over each year, or write and store for your garden records.
- 1 Page of helpful hints for seed starting.
- 2 Pages of tables that indicate the right timing for sowing seeds — indoor seed starts, outdoor seed sowing, and transplanting seedlings after hardening off.
- 2 Pages of plant notes with approximate weeks before last frost to start your seedlings.
- 1 Page of plants notes with a completely blank chart to fill in your own plant varieties.
All of these pages are so important when keeping great records to grow a better, and better crop year after year.
As a thank you gift after subscribing to get gardening news and updates from time to time, we are sending you a download with these seed sowing guides with you for free!

Grab a free 6-page seed starting & record keeping download.
Get 3 pages of planting charts, including a blank one to cater to your needs. Plus 2 pages of seed sowing timelines before frost, and finally one page of helpful seed starting hints!
Interested in Starting your garden from seed?
Our family has been working hard to not just prepare our garden, but film parts of the process to help others who want to grow food from seed. Please make sure to also follow us on YouTube, Inherited Skills, where we have helpful playlists, including a Seed Starting Guide to get you started. Click here to subscribe to YouTube.
Other helpful gardening resources
- Our favorite quality seeds
- Start seeds inside that don’t like being transplanted
- How to make DIY seed tape for succession planting
- As we post more, explore our Gardening category and browse our lawn and garden section on another site our family runs.