So our family doesn’t love radishes. But we grow a lot of them because as my sister-in-law says “it makes you feel like a good farmer” to grow radishes.
I think the first year on the farm we grew way more bushels of them than I even realized I had planted. So I have this conundrum that even though my family tolerated grilled radishes ok, there was no way they would ever consume this many… so what could we make with all these beautiful plants? And the answer was pickled radishes… even though my family also doesn’t really enjoy traditional pickles.
So there’s irony here that a bunch of things we don’t typically love turned into a food that even my “most likely to turn her nose up at food she doesn’t like” daughter loves.

How to make a pint of refrigerator pickled radishes
Easy pint jar recipe that can be duplicated as needed
- 1 half pound of radishes
- 1/2 cup 5% white vinegar
- 1/2 cup sugar
- 1/4 cup water
- 1 tsp salt
- 1-3 tsp ground mustard powder to taste
- 1 bay leaf per jar (boiled but individually placed in each jar)
- (Optional) crushed red pepper flakes
Thin slice and place radishes in a sterilized 1-pint jar.
Bring vinegar, sugar, water, salt, spices and bay leaves to a boil in a saucepan.

Ladle hot pickling liquid over radishes. Make sure that there is one bay leaf per jar. Wipe jar rims. Center lid on jar. Apply band, and adjust to fingertip-tight.
Let cool on a wire rack or clean towel ( about 1 hour). Chill 24 hours before serving. Store in refrigerator up to 4 months.
After about 4 months, they start to lose some of their crunch but because of the vinegar they are still edible and not “bad”.

You’ll find that the ones with pepper flakes are not necessarily super spices but change the sweetness profile of the flavor you’re tasting.
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